Entries in connecting (1)

7 Simple Ways to Give Back to Those Who Gave to You

I can no other answer make but thanks, And thanks; and ever thanks.

~Shakespeare (Twelfth Night Act III scene iii)


In this fast-paced, always-on, often-superficial social media world we live in these days, it seems that so many people treat many of their relationships as disposable – rather than as something enduring and valuable to be nurtured and cherished. It becomes all about “What can I GET FROM this relationship?”…as opposed to “What can I GIVE TO it?”

With the constant focus on building our number of Twitter followers, LinkedIn connections, and Facebook Friends, it is so easy to lose sight of the people behind the profiles. And as we become consumed with increasing the quantity of our connections, what often suffers is the quality of the actual relationships that those numbers represent. 

To counter that, here are 7 simple ways to give back to others who have given so much to you:

1.  Send a thank you note – out of the blue – to a former boss, mentor, or teacher (or to anyone) who made a difference in your life.

2.  Write someone a glowing recommendation.

3.  Write a 5-star Amazon review for a book that made an impact on you.

4.  Tweet, Re-tweet, Like, Forward, and Share.

5.  Catch people doing something right.

6.  Be a connector.

7.  Pay it forward.

Those are the seven quick tips; to read the full post -- featuring more examples and details, please click here